We obtain our cars from various leading insurance companies in South Africa. Our weekly auctions take place from Monday to Friday, with occasional Saturday auctions as an added feature, providing you with the opportunity to place bids on your desired vehicles. Should your bid be the highest among all participants and the reserve (STC) has been lifted, you will be issued an invoice for the respective vehicle. For further details about this procedure, kindly click the button provided below.
Certainly, you are provided with the choice to allocate your deposit towards an existing invoice or opt for a refund if you are unsuccessful in purchasing a vehicle. Additionally, there's the option to retain your deposit with us, enabling you to register for upcoming auctions without the need for an additional deposit. To utilize your deposit, please submit a request along with your invoice number to sales@auctionnation.co.za. For those seeking a deposit refund, kindly fill out the form below and send it back, along with the required documentation mentioned on the form, to sales@auctionnation.co.za.
All payments are required to be completed through EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) using your invoice number as the designated reference. It is crucial to utilize the invoice number as reference to ensure proper allocation of your payment. Failure to include the invoice number might result in payment misplacement. Should you have any inquiries regarding payments, kindly reach out to us at payments@auctionnation.co.za. For the relevant banking details, please access the link provided below.
Payment must be made within 72 hours.
Auction Nation charges an administration fee of 5% of the sale price + VAT, and a fee of R2860.00 + VAT on all sales.
Yes, all vehicles available on auction can be viewed at the respective branch prior to auction. All our branches are open for viewing Monday – Friday 08:00 AM – 16:30 PM
We sell vehicles of three code types:
Code 2: These are second hand used vehicles that have had one or more previous owners, or they've been recovered after having been stolen or they have been in a minor accident.
Code 3: These are Code 1 or Code 2 vehicles that have been involved in an accident and are unfit to use on the road. These cars have been structurally damaged and need substantial rebuilding before they can be deemed roadworthy.
Code 4: These are cars that can be sold as "parts only". They've been permanently damaged, which means that the chassis has either been compacted, compressed or melted.
To engage in the bidding process for auctioned vehicles and to facilitate communication, it is essential to establish a profile within our system. This can be achieved via our digital platform or by visiting any of our physical branches. Please ensure that you possess all the required FICA documents and proof of address, as these are imperative for completing the profile setup. For those opting for online profile registration, please forward your FICA documents to sales@auctionnation.co.za. Upon receipt, these documents will undergo verification, leading to the activation of your profile.
After settling your invoice, you will receive both a tax invoice and a release note. It will be your responsibility to arrange the pickup of your vehicle from the corresponding Auction Nation branch. During the collection, ensure that you have your release note and proof of payment readily available. If you need your vehicle to be transported from one Auction Nation branch to another (for instance, from East London to Johannesburg), this service is available for a fee. For additional details, please reach out to us via email at transport@auctionnation.co.za.
You can see the vehicles on auction on our website. To view this page please click on Live Auctions and select the auction you would like to view. This list can also be downloaded as a catalogue.
No mileage on auctioned vehicles are guaranteed.
We source our vehicles for auction from top insurers in the country including Auto & General, Dial Direct, 1st For Women, Virgin Insurance, Budget Insurance, AA Insurance and Virseker. Need any questions answered, visit the link below.
To participate in the auction, you need to register. You can do this online through our website and mobile app or at any branch.
To complete your registration, you will need to email the following documents to sales@auctionnation.co.za for account verification.
In order to register for online auctions, you need to pay a R5000 refundable deposit. This can be done through our website or at a Auction Nation branch. Your deposit can then be used towards any vehicle purchased or you can request a refund if you do not purchase a vehicle.
Our online vehicle auctions take place daily from Monday – Friday starting at 08:00. Our auction catalogue will be available prior to this so you can view which vehicles will be on auction.
Once you have registered and the auction has started you will then be able to start bidding! Once you’ve won your bids you will be emailed your invoice after the auction has completed.
Every pro-forma invoice includes a unique invoice number. Use this number on your payment as a reference when paying. Once we have received your payment you will be sent your release note and tax invoice.
You’ve got 72 hours to pay and collect your vehicles after the auction finishes. After that point, any damage that may happen to your vehicles is not our responsibility. To collect your vehicle simply provide your release note and proof of payment at the relevant branch.
Auction Nation is backed by the best and we work with SA’s leading insurance companies. What does that mean for our clients? A large variety of cars at prices you just can’t beat. We’re proud to call these companies our partners:
You can also get our vehicles at wholesale prices before they hit the auction floor! These vehicles have been hand selected by our managers as prime stock – they're just looking for a home before auction. So if you want to get in early come view our wholesale stock.
You can only view and purchase these vehicles at our auction venues in Jo'burg, Cape Town and Durban. If they aren't sold on the wholesale floor, we will auction them off through our unique auction process.
If you'd like to enquire about these vehicles please contact us below.
Registration for 12 July
A deposit of R5000 is required
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